Bamboo Dart Press
"The Laboratory of Time" by Peter Wortsman
The Laboratory of Time, and other cutup poems, Peter Wortsman’s third collection of experiments in t..
"Dinner Party Music" by Adam Greenfield
If these walls could talk...they'd tell the story of generations of rage that are literally embodied..
"Broken Signals" by Jeff Friedman
Jeff Friedman’s Broken Signals is a wildly imaginative collection of dazzling fabulist micro tales t..
"Fine in a Minute" by King Daddy
“The heart is not a metaphor – no, wait – the heart is a metaphor.” King Daddy’s first volume of poe..
"Oh Memory, You Unlocked Cabinet of Amazements!" by Judy Kronenfeld
Oh Memory, You Unlocked Cabinet of Amazements! is a paean to the author’s mid-twentieth century Bron..
"A Field of Nopes" by James Ducat
This book of blackout poems is a mostly lighthearted, occasionally philosophical journey through sel..
"All That I'm Allowed" by Ellen Harper
All That I’m Allowed is a storybook for grownups about learning to live with children and dogs. In t..
"Euphony" by Michael C. Keith
Euphony: Micro Prose Poems contains works best defined as thoughts, both observational and insightfu..
"Driftwood at the River's Edge" by Peter Wortsman
Like driftwood, words, phrases and severed sentences come floating by. Part fisherman, part scavenge..
"Pliny and Other Problems" by Emily Fernandez
Pliny and Other Problems starts with the problems of ordinary life – a mother’s midlife crisis – and..
"Remnants of a Full Moon" by Michelle Gonzalez
Remnants of a Full Moon is a collection of poems that take you on a journey with a daughter, wife, a..
"Roots, Stones and Baggage" by Richard Brown Lethem
Roots, Stones & Baggage is a collection of paintings and poems from Richard Brown Lethem that sp..
"Presto" by Charles Rammelkamp
Presto chronicles the adventures of an employee for a temp agency as he goes out on what often seem ..
"Tell Me About Yourself" by Max Popov
In Tell Me About Yourself, an old man looks back on his time in the East Village in the mid-1970s wh..
"Four and Twenty Blackbirds" by Margot Hover
Four and Twenty Blackbirds is a collection of word portraits of the people, places, and events popul..