
"Dinner Party Music" by Adam Greenfield

"Dinner Party Music" by Adam Greenfield

If these walls could talk...they'd tell the story of generations of rage that are literally embodied..


"Broken Signals" by Jeff Friedman

"Broken Signals" by Jeff Friedman

Jeff Friedman’s Broken Signals is a wildly imaginative collection of dazzling fabulist micro tales t..


"All That I'm Allowed" by Ellen Harper

"All That I'm Allowed" by Ellen Harper

All That I’m Allowed is a storybook for grownups about learning to live with children and dogs. In t..


"Presto" by Charles Rammelkamp

"Presto" by Charles Rammelkamp

Presto chronicles the adventures of an employee for a temp agency as he goes out on what often seem ..


"Things" by Peter Cherches

"Things" by Peter Cherches

Things known and unknown. Story as thing. The soul of things. The essence of narrative. Bare bones. ..


"Lost Reflection" by Dennis Callaci

"Lost Reflection" by Dennis Callaci

In Dennis Callaci’s third book, Lost Reflection, the author has assembled seven short stories that a..


"Kissing the Monster Hunter" by Meg Pokrass

"Kissing the Monster Hunter" by Meg Pokrass

Kissing the Monster Hunter is a book about monster hunters, unseen monsters, perpetual dreamers, and..


"Do What the Boss Says: Stories of Family and Childhood" by Michael Loveday

"Do What the Boss Says: Stories of Family and Childhood" by Michael Loveday

Do What the Boss Says: Stories of Family and Childhood is a collection of short-short stories explor..


"God in a Can" by Robert Scotellaro

"God in a Can" by Robert Scotellaro

God in a Can is a collection of flash and micro fictions that looks at life through a surreal, and o..


"A Circle of Birds" by Mark Givens

"A Circle of Birds" by Mark Givens

A privileged bird leads a sheltered life of slow decline while the birds in the village work hard to..


"The 909" by Mark Givens and Joel Huschle

"The 909" by Mark Givens and Joel Huschle

The 909 is a sci-fi script for a movie set in the near-future and taking the form of a reality docum..


"Three, Walking" by Nikia Chaney

"Three, Walking" by Nikia Chaney

In this chapbook, explore three worlds in which three brave women push against the external structur..


"Black Box Poetics" by Kendall Johnson

"Black Box Poetics" by Kendall Johnson

Each of the black boxes contains white pages, typed, one or two pages each, stapled at the top left ..


"Rescue Plan" by Stephanie Barbé Hammer

"Rescue Plan" by Stephanie Barbé Hammer

In the New England town of Narrow Interior, 15 year old cancer survivor Gomer Faithcutt prepares for..


"Five Ghost Stories" by Dennis Callaci

"Five Ghost Stories" by Dennis Callaci

Five Ghost Stories is a collection of five meditations on isolation and absence, each with an abstra..


Showing 1 to 15 of 17 (2 Pages)