"The Laboratory of Time" by Peter Wortsman
The Laboratory of Time, and other cutup poems, Peter Wortsman’s third collection of experiments in the form, lets time be told in the way we live it, sometimes stretching a second into seeming eternity, sometimes compressing eternity into a second. The first part, titled “The True Glue,” comprises recycled assemblages of words cut out of the newspaper that make a newfangled poetic sense. The second part, titled “The Five Books,” is an admittedly unorthodox retelling of biblical narrative, the poetic sap and zap of it extracted by means of a vertical transcription.
Exhalations burdened with meaning, they are forever being uttered, stuttered and forgotten, trashed and mulched to fertilize new formulations. What else is a cutup poem after all, or any kind of poem for that matter, but a wild flower sprouting out of the dirt!
Like a farmer rotating his crops, Peter Wortsman periodically ploughs words back into the mulch of meaning. Romanian émigré DADA poet Tristran Tzara (aka Samuel Rosenstock, 1896-1963) gave it a name: cut-up (or “découpé” in French). Wortsman reverts to cutups when he's too distracted, depressed, dumbfounded or deranged to write in the regular manner. As the isolation of virtual lockdown during the seemingly interminable Covid-19 pandemic stretches into its third year, Wortsman is "a modern-day monk languishing in the solitude of my cell, longing for meaningful communion." Absent belief in a transcendent being, cutups take the place of prayer.
Photographs of the author by Jean-Luc Fievet
Ghost photographs by Peter Wortsman
Directed and edited by Dennis Callaci
Sound by Jacques Bernard Wortsman
- Company: Bamboo Dart Press
- Release Date: February 5, 2025
- Availability: 18
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